Our latest component gives you the ability to communicate timely information with your users. You can notify them about stuff and other stuff. It’s @tournant/notification.

Let’s write some words about the process of building it and where it is or isn’t useful.

A notification is a notification is a notification? #

I am glad you asked, headline. The answer is: Nah.

Let’s imagine the real world for a second. You are sitting on the edge of a silver future, wondering how it might be. Suddenly your washing machine yells: «I’m done!», interrupting your thoughts completely. A bit overzealous.

Now, on the other hand, a self-driving car that does not warn you, loud and clear, that it is about to take a break, breaks and slams your face into your breakfast is a tiny bit too shy.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is: It depends. Some notifications need to communicate immediately and with urgency. While some can wait.

Our notification component knows this and can fit into any situation. In technical terms, the component is a live region.

What ARIA has to say #

You might know that we haven’t invented the term live region ourself, but that it is part of the ARIA guidelines. In their words, these regions are «perceivable regions of a web page that are typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere».

Live regions come in many different flavours, but the arguably most common ones are status and alert.

Now, to expand a bit on the roles: They mirror the not-so-important announcement (status) or the very-much-so important announcement (alert).

Going back to the almost realistic examples from the beginning: Our washing machine would be a case of implementing a status message while the car should be an alert.

Usage Guidelines #

As always, you can find exhaustive documentation in the Readme on NPM or GitHub.

But, let’s quickly cover the basics here, as you are reading this.

We decided to make status the default role of the component. Why? Because, as Marcus nicely put it, developers tend to have economic behaviour when it comes to reading documentation. We didn’t want to put a component out there and bombard users of assistive technology with alert messages.

To use it as a status message you need to pass in only a message:

<!-- Input !-->
<tournant-notification message="Page 4 has been loaded" />

<!-- Output -->
<div role="status" class="t-ui-alert is-info">Page 4 has been loaded</div>

If you need to announce an alert, e.g. when submitting a form, you can use the type prop:

<!-- Input !-->
message="Your e-mail address is invalid"

<!-- Output -->
<div role="alert" class="t-ui-alert is-info">
The server could not be reached

Message handling #

To be clear: This component is only the message. To comply with the ARIA guidelines, it will set a timeout once it is mounted, and hide via aria-hidden and setting display: none.

Let’s suppose you are showing a notification for every item in an array.

export default {
data: () => ({
messages: [
{ text: 'Page 1 loaded' }
{ text: 'Page 2 loaded' },
{ text: 'Page 3 loaded' }

The component will not delete the underlying. It will only become invisible. It will, though, emit a custom event once the timer has elapsed. You will have to clean-up your messages once they have become obsolete.

Props #

You can use the following props to control the component:

And so we end our notification (sorry). You can find the component on NPM or view the source code on GitHub.

Happy notifying,
Team Tournant